Tampa, FL — Aspiring physicians interested in becoming board certified in integrative medicine have about one month to submit a completed application for the initial board exam for the American Board of Integrative Medicine® (ABOIM®).
Completed applications are due December 1, 2013 for the May 2014 exam. Complete eligibility requirements, application, and examination details are available online at http://www.aboim.org/.
“Credentialed physicians in integrative medicine will distinguish themselves to patients as a provider who addresses prevention, health and wellness,” said Mimi Guarneri, MD., a founding board member of ABOIM and President of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine (ABIHM). “Integrative medicine physicians explore new ways to treat the whole person — the mind, body, and spirit.” she said.
The initial group of ABOIM Diplomates will set themselves apart in the integrative medicine specialty. They will be recognized as experts who have demonstrated their mastery of a core body of knowledge in the field by passing a rigorous exam.
ABOIM certification is creating a benchmark in this emerging specialty through rigorous testing and standards, taking integrative medicine to a new level of recognition and credibility among the general public and in academic circles.
Respected physician leaders in the integrative medicine community comprise the founding board. They believe the field of integrative medicine has evolved into a specialty that needs to be recognized. ABOIM is a Member Board of the American Board of Physician Specialties® (ABPS®), headquartered in Tampa, Fla. ABPS is the first and only multi-specialty physician certifying organization to offer board certification in integrative medicine.